My my my.... Seems like every day it's something else, don't it? Picture yourself on a 'carousel'. And it starts out slowly, with a softly relaxing, even and steady rotation- the way you expected it would. No reason not to, that's the way the things have always worked. You thought you knew you could count on it working this way, well, forever. But, wait a minute now...What's this?? What's happening?? It's speeding up, going faster and faster! Uh oh! This ain't the way this thing is supposed to work!! Whoaaa !!
Once upon a tyme, some little tyme ago. I tried to explain this occurrence to you, but I did it in a learned methodology that was foreign to you, that you weren't about to believe, and I pretty much knew this before I even told ya. Just all sounded too "strange-ish."
Of course there wasn't any good reason for you to believe any of it. It sounded crazy and frankly, still does a little. But the evidence is mounting. Used to be century by century, year by year, then every few months and now- almost every day. Something happens that seems to negatively affect all of us, here in the USA and over the rest of the world as well. Some kind of crippling crisis somewhere. Floods, famine, drought, earthquakes and long dormant but now erupting volcanoes. This Hellish and strange weather. Never-ending wars. The killing of humans, by humans, goes on and on. We are supposed to know better.
We have social issues moving oppressed citizens to action "over there." And of course, all the outta control financial credit/debt issues, suffocating humanity- Odd, a man-made, catastrophic disaster with huge and crushing ramifications. Something that in reality, really only amounts to "rules," when it gets right down to it, will bring us to the brink. Something we can't even 'see.' But we've allowed ourselves to be cruelly forced to live or die by- rules. "Man Made Rules." An intelligent, practical and logically thinking human being, who had the good sense to consider his literal survival was at stake, you'd think he'd just say "Okay, forget it. Nobody owes anybody else anything. Let's just start all over, fairly this time." You'd think, but you'd be wrong of course. Ain't this something??
And last but certainly not least, the inevitable, and richly deserved rebellion by Mother Earth. How long would she accept being shamefully, selfishly destroyed, inch by profitable inch? Slovenly consumed by these virus-like, two-legged breeding machines from God knows where, really? Not from here- this just isn't Nature's design. As a living organism, inflicted on this beautiful planet- we're way out of control. We apparently do not possess either the mental ability or Nature's safeguards against self-destruction and un-natural, harmful invasive advances. Earth is a living, breathing, feeling thing. She'll protect herself. We should have had the intelligence to know this. And we should have understood it applies to us as well.
Recalling some of the more difficult to accept and still 'stranger pronouncements I've leveled at you, is the fact this is all told to us in ancient writings, myths and legends. Virtually to a "T". The unrest, the subjugating exploitation of humanity, by humanity. And the ferocious and thoughtless destruction wrought by mankind, on his provider- Mother Earth. All known by historical Shamans, Seer's, Oracles and others able to somehow know the future path of time, here on Earth.
I don't believe we are due any corrections, fix's, or more time to reconsider our chosen path to our fate. I believe the time is now upon us. The Reckoning, written about down through the ages as destiny. It has to be Nature, because it is known.
We should have understood.