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After finally realizing that 'news' programs, newspapers, pundits and literally every other form of public information was nothing more than utter bullshit, put together just for "us".....I have just about stopped watching, reading or listening to any of it. Most especially, if I truly want to know something, or actually seek the truth about any given subject.

Oh, I occasionally scan CNN, MSNBC, Huffington Post, etc., but it's more just to see how badly each one has reported on something I already know the facts about. Invariably, each outlet will have a different slant on the same damned story. Sometimes the extremes are so obvious, when the original story gets twisted in such a way as to not even resemble the facts. This happens all the time. It is indeed worrisome to know most people don't see this deception. They don't even question what they see-hear-read. To most, if it gets said on TV or written in a newspaper, then it's "gospel !!!!!" End of story. Certainly, hopefully, pleadingly....I hope you're not one of them. You have to work at it, not to be. The relentless bombardment of lies, deception, and manipulation is fierce, constant and never-ending.

People watch these "(dis)information" shows, like 'History Channel' or 'Discovery Channel' etc, etc, and fully believe these shows are put together by knowledgeable experts, in their respective fields, and what they are being told is carved in stone. No errors! They saw it on TV!!!!
KNOW  none of them has researched the channels themselves for accuracy and honesty. Or truly know a damned thing, factually, about what's being told to them. So they systematically accept what they've just seen on the tube, as truth, as fact....and presume they have just been told the unvarnished truth. They ALWAYS have. No matter what it is, if they have been told by an official or seen or heard or read something in the "Mainstream News" venues, then that's the way it is...No questions asked...or answered. Robots. They are now nothing but functioning, programmed, idiot robots. Good for consuming, producing, and borrowing money. That's all. Period.

You've heard of the movie franchise "The Matrix." The people I have described above are "In the Matrix." Caught up in the web of uniformity, in every part of their little, useless lives. No longer considered individuals. They are a gaggle. A large group. A gathering of fools, followers and ultimately- victims. Every damned last one of em. Too bad, this.

It also reminds me of that movie "Invasion of The Body Snatchers." Think about it a little. One by one, everybody is slowly taken over by an invisible force as they slept. To be programmed into docile, obedient citizens. Rank and file. Or eliminated all together. The last of the unaffected scramble madly to escape being 'taken.' But in the end, the programmed people have all turned against all the independent individuals. The only way the unaffected could be recognized is when they showed any emotion. And eventually, and as they slept, they were all 'taken' into this world of nothing, in the end, that's how it happened. Remember??


What Is This Place?

What is this place? Stuck out here in the infinite big middle of a big nowhere? We seem to be like nowhere else, in our known Universe. Our Earth seems as though it was tailor-made, just for us. Top of the food chain. Thinking, doing, undoing brains. Air we can breathe, food we can grow. And water. Seems like just the right amount of water for us to exist here. Unless we ruin it. Waste it. Take it for granted. There's plenty of water, 3/5ths of our Earth is water. Thing is, most of that is saltwater for some reason. Completely, utterly, undrinkable. As if to remind us, 'Be careful, what you have is all there is.'

What in the world makes our Earth so glaringly unique? More urgently, why? And why not everywhere else? Why not at least just "close by?" The biggest questions, mysteries- if you will, are the ageless, timeless question of who are we? Why are we here? And of course, What is the 'meaning' of all this, what is the 'Meaning'  of Life itself? Just WHAT are we supposed to be doing here? Surely something.....right?

Us. Why are we so glaringly unique? Why are we, apparently, so unquestionably "superior" amongst the animals on our Earth? Why do we have so many choices? And why do our choices affect the entire planet, when there are so many other living things on our Earth? Why does literally everything here, on our Earth, depend on our choices? For Goodness Sake.....It is such a huge, all encompassing burden, obligation. It requires so much trust and cooperation, one can only be bewildered with this ultimate responsibility, when so much seems out of our control. When things all around, seem so out of sync. Does it feel insurmountable? How, and why, should we be responsible for the damage brought on by "others?" Should we?

Creatures. We're taught that we came from these first, one-celled creatures. Through a very, very long and stunningly complicated process of change. "Evolution" is how it's explained. How it's taught to us. Well, maybe so. Could be.....or not. We are taught these cold-blooded, consciousness-deficient, slithering creatures, crawled out of the gook and slime and sprouted legs, arms, and....well, you know the rest. 

However, another thing we are learned, is these creatures did not, and do not, have "Souls." Personally, I find this issue highly debatable, none the less.... But if they don't have Souls, where did our's come from? How is it we wound up with this untouchable, unseen, virtually incomprehensible, fabric of our fundamental existence? What is it? Where did it come from, and why....why is it, we have a Soul, to begin with? Where, when and how, along this long, long journey of becoming what we are, did we suddenly, inexplicably, obtain-grow-develop, and become Aware  of our Soul?

Could it be, the often apparently near-perfect-ness of our Earth is indeed by 'design?' But, if it's so perfect, why do we appear to be "trapped" here? Why are we so alone out here? Who's 'design' is this? Could it be, we are indeed here for a "reason?" If there is reason by design, why would it include so much misery, pain, disease, war, famine, corruption, dishonesty and treachery- and Death? What are those things doing here? What is the reason for them? And why are they all, results of the 'choices' we make?

Could it be, our human bodies were indeed "created?" Created to 'house' our Soul? Could it be, our Soul is brought here, brought here to be given the chance to redeem ourselves for regressions? Bad or evil deeds committed and inflicted upon or perhaps, by our Soul- "Elsewhere?" Could it be, we are given so many 'choices' because we must learn, there is always only 'ONE' choice. And we, our Soul, is bastion-ed here to learn how to correct our past mistakes, learn from and alter our many horrible choices? And finally.........

Could it be, is it at all possible...we are here to learn, and to properly grow, back into our spirit selves- before we move on to a higher power, a more elevated plane? And could it also be, that we will learn Purity and the meaning and essence of Love while here, or remain here---Until we do, over and over and over, again?