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Use It. Or You're Gonna Lose it.

While the 'Use it or lose it' adage does indeed apply to an animals' bio-appendages, it also applies to the strength of growth potential of our brain. As with other organs in our body, our brain is quantified in intelligence with proper, challenging and constant usage. In how broadly we task our brains with different perspectives and how we conceive of and manage those perspectives. Without perpetual awareness and cerebral exercise, we will forget. We will not remember. We regress.

Our brain, without intelligent and cognizant input and analysis performed, will gradually become a limited receptacle for the thoughts, reasoning, and ultimately-  fundamental instructions. All from the brain of others. Your incredible potential will be 'side-tracked' and deceitfully programmed with surrendered conclusions, reached by those you have given your processes over to.

As a human being, you will become a commodity for the powerful and persuasive. As such, your value will be calculated, not endowed. You will no longer be realized as a treasured product of nature. Without having nurtured your own thoughts and pressing your brain to produce more and more, it will only be a wasted, misused energy source. An insignificant source of energy. Use your brain, it will grow and become as powerful as the fuel it is fed. Do not allow yourself to become nameless fodder for those who have used their abilities to overcome nature's obstacles, only to subjugate the masses. The mentally powerful, with purer thought and the force of nature, will cope and persevere any adversity.

Remember this, "There are no limits." Start by thinkin' about that.


Let Them Smoke Pot! And Save The World

I would say, 'Let all the simple pot-smokers out of jails and prisons and use that money to aid the poor and unemployed.' But then all the pot-smokers wouldn't have jobs waiting for them. That'd be bad.
Not being the violent, aggressive types, they'd just lay around all day and smoke pot. That'd be bad too.

But what if we legalized hemp and form new people-friendly industries all over America? Then they'd have jobs, along with thousands of others. Then parents wouldn't have to visit their children behind bars. And kid's with a Mom or Dad plucked away could enjoy both of 'em and have a better life.

Nahhhhhh. Way too practical.