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Why Should Americans Care About Prince William??

Seven minutes! NBC's Brian Williams dedicated seven whole minutes to the upcoming nuptials of Prince William and Kate Middleton. And it was the lead story, not tucked into the remaining empty time at the end of the broadcast where it belonged, if at all. But Williams is not the only "subject" of the Queen of England.

Every major network, every major publication treated the announcement as though it were actually worth being the number one attraction- worldwide! I mean really! Who, in America, really gives a shit? I know I don't. So why are the mainstream media falling over themselves to show this kind of attention and 'respect' for a member of British royalty?

I kept hearing the talking heads proclaim excitedly "The WHOLE WORLD is watching and waiting for the Prince to speak!!" Oh really? The "WHOLE WORLD?" Honestly, I believe the only people all hyped up and "excited" over this whole 'nothing' is the media and the elites that run them. And of course, all the lemming politicians are standing in line to heap bullshit praise on the secretive, mysterious and probably quite dangerous Windsors.

It must be noted that "Windsors" is completely made up, to cover their GERMAN/Jewish ancestry. My, my, my. The trail of scandal, etc, etc. associated with this family is very interesting knowledge....to say the very least!

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