The way I see things, as they happen in society, is fairly liberal. I tend to be pragmatic about most everything that deserves it. I like to believe I adhere to "Live and Let Live." But that don't always make it so, when I look real close.
I also believe when you 'feel something in your bones' so strong it wont let ya go, then them bones must be right. And damned if they ain't, pretty much always.
There is a paradigm that's been "pushed" upon us in a nefarious way for the past 40 years or so that most of society has been taken in by. A paradigm, which at first, was exactly 180 out from what is accepted today. This being inter-racial marriage. And in particular- black and white unions. The powers that be have pushed this on us and made every effort to insure society accepts it as a normal pairing of two people, with no consequences. I didn't buy it 40 years ago and I buy it less today. And honestly, it isn't for lack of trying.
But try as I might, my "bones" are never going to see it as right, much less normal. It just don't compute to even numbers no matter what figures I put in. I know, deep and not so deep inside me, it ain't right. I feel this so strongly I feel like it's a part of me. A mechanism within me is built to not accept it. It's that strong.
I'm not gonna say "But, I'm still not a racist....." Because to be COMPLETELY honest with you, I am a racist. Just not in the way most people perceive a racist. Black, red, white, brown, yellow.....We're all racists when push comes to shove. Or less likely- when we're being honest with ourselves. My being a racist is comprised of the whole spectrum of reasons, not just a couple of knee-jerk hot button reasons. I feel it is completely natural to be separate and nurture our own cultures and societies the way it is intended, for each individual race. The forced co-mingling of black and white peoples has been catastrophic for both races. The very basic fabric of the two people could not be more different- As it is with all races. And the continued pressure from hidden instigators to make it right, fails time after time. Nothing 'Man' can do will make it natural.
It irks the crap out of me when I flip on the squawk box and see the gratuitous pairing of a white chick and a black guy all for the sole purpose of showing America, "Look, see.....It's OK, it's on television, so it's gotta be OK. Even COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" It makes me sick, but not because of prejudice. But because I can not make myself see it as NATURAL. Something about it just ain't right, in fact, I feel it is actually very wrong. That's just the way I feel.
I thank gawd I don't have any daughters and have to gut-worry she'd bring a black guy home for din-din.....for example.
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