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The Route Less Taken

 Not always, but sometimes, it's insanely frustrating when I'm trying to make a point(s) to someone, with information that's indisputable- based on thorough research and accompanied by solid scientific findings and from people firmly dedicated to the veracity of their discoveries- (It's called PROOF!!! DAMMIT!!!) ....and the person/people you're trying so hard to share, enlighten or even maybe "warn" don't have the foggiest notion of what you're talking about and the one's who do, don't believe a thing you say. Too fantastic. Too strange. Too incredible. Or the rigors of surviving within the manufactured rat-race are too daunting to think about anything like "that."  And the biggest drain on any real knowledge or learning.....The Governments and it's bought and paid for "scientists" and "experts" constantly dispute anything THEY don't put THEIR official stamp of approval on. Then there's the ever-present "skeptics" and deniers who come out of the woodwork every time someone tries to publicly disclose secret information. They cleverly turn everything into a joke and an impossible probability. And they'll tellya these people are "nut-jobs" "wackos" and "Tin foil hatted space cadets." (Bill Nye The Science Guy is one of these. A government  "official" denier and skeptic, no matter how solid the proof, he'll say it ain't so. Carl Sagan was another. They knew who buttered their bread)

People have been trained in this injustice all their lives. They only know and believe what they have been "allowed."  Nothing more. Most everyone has no earthly idea what a totally fantastic   and utterly amazing place this planet is and has been for millions of years. They've been spoon-fed the same old tired and false stories, over and over again all their lives. And they believe them, because they learned these things in schools and from official government institutions. They wouldn't lie to us, would they? They wouldn't hide and hoard facts and truth from us, would they? They wouldn't keep incredible discoveries and knowledge from the masses, would they? Who's gonna believe they'd do a mean and greedy/selfish thing, to their fellow human beings? This is the the most bulbous obstruction to humanity's advancement and survival--  the entities who rule us determine what we know, what we learn and what we will believe. How pathetic it is, we have given our thoughts trusted our futures and souls over to "authorities."  Our very existence is virtually manufactured and administered by 'authorities.'

Churches, schools, universities......All, every damned one of em, were founded and are funded by the very people who tell us what to believe. They tell what is true and what is not. When is the last time you figured something out for yourself? Humans are far superior to any thing else on Earth. Yet we've been weakened and made subservient to people who have taken  the position that they are best suited to rule and lord over the rest of us. That they know better than us. And we have allowed this to happen to ourselves. Much like 'those people' we don't like.

Is it any wonder that these people have kept the absolute best of everything for themselves- and fully intend to keep it that way? After all, this is  human nature at it's worst. Most any other human would do the same thing if they suddenly found themselves at the top of the heap. Able to control, they'd  keep the secrets to themselves. And there are many secrets. You'd need to explore the unimaginable, to properly deal with the reality that has been kept and hidden from the "rest" of us. You really have no  idea, I promise you this. They don't make movies as fantastic as the truth that's been kept from 'us.'

And I'll promise you something else. You and everyone who has been kept in the dark cellar of existence for far, far too long, is about to get the wake up you've been missing. You're about to get a refreshing dose of real  truth and real  reality. The locks are coming off and the doors of fantastic, jaw-dropping and wonderful sights, sounds and much, much more, are gonna finally, at long last have the bright lights of discovery turned on. For all the world to see. Glory!!!  

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