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Food, Our Secret Weapon

Neanderthal Family

Everyone says it. Everyone pretty much knows it, but shockingly few of us seriously take it to heart- Food!  We've all heard the little saying, " You are what you eat." What could be more obvious? There is no ambiguity in the substance of that phrase. And absolutely nothing on earth or anywhere else could be more profoundly accurate. No further discussion is necessary to establish the merits of a proper, unadulterated food source for our bodies for fuel, balance, harmony of all working parts, for building blocks. And for creating and maintaining armor against the onslaught of constantly invading, potential cripplers. In terms some will further understand......Put 60 octane in your truck's gas tank, you'll get exactly what you pay for. Substandard and ultimately harmful operation. Not all it could be........and an early and predictable demise. It works exactly the same with us stupid-assed humans. It's so easy, you'd think a caveman could do it!  And the truth of the matter is, Cavemen did do it.

Our immediate time-line predecessor (almost, the Cro-Magnan Man was kinda a mistake, so they don't count), The Neanderthal "Caveman" lived uninterrupted for 200,000 to 400,000 years, in relative bliss. They were larger, stronger, taller, healthier and even had bigger brains than we do. We are not genetic copies of the Neanderthal, but close. It is thought the Neanderthal consumed as much as 12 pounds of raw foliage every single day. That's alotta dandelions. Their bones and structures were far superior to current humanoids. They survived multiple ice-ages and planetary upheavals virtually intact. 

"Well if they were so damned superior, why aren't they here today?"-  You might ask? Where did this stalwart, endurable and quite capable creature get off to? What happened to them? The answer is simple and shocking. Sad in so many ways.......WE, 'modern man' happened to them. 

Our advanced (enhanced actually)- NOT SUPERIOR- intellect, meanness, cruelty and acquired diseases from eating meat killed off a half million year old civilization. We had 'help' with the advanced intellect and technologies. The disease, we inflicted on ourselves and the rest of the planet. And we managed this in roughly 5 to 10 thousand years. The meanness and cruelty, well, I haven't figured that one out yet.

Wiped 'em all out. Every last one. And many of the animals and insects along the way. 'The Progress of Humanity' has been irreversibly costly to planet Earth and it's indigenous inhabitants. Unfortunately, this pattern continues unabated. Only there's not much of anything left, but us.

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