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"The Finest Minds..."

Governments, corporations and the worst of the worst, banks and financial institutions-  use the tired line "Our choice of  'so and so'  was based on their having the "Finest Mind" in their respective field. What bullshit. What a bald-faced lie from the get-go.

The person selected is chosen for their ability to use underhanded methods to further their boss's agenda. Invariably they have been connected with previous failures, time and time again. Either directly responsible or an integral part of a larger backroom operation. Few have come from stellar backgrounds- on a positive note.
Whenever a "Elizabeth Warren" comes along; a genuine savior for the people, they are inexplicably railroaded into subservient roles with far less authority than they must have to slay the dragons. And it continues.

President Obama is a very obvious example of this method of stacking an administration with criminals, financial manipulators, ecological disaster enablers, gypsies and far, far too many operatives with dual-citizenship. It isn't that difficult to understand if a government or business executive or banking executive has dual-citizenship with the State of Israel, which one will have their true allegiance. Our elitist upper class, including our government is increasingly being insidiously infiltrated with too many Jews. By the way, this is not a matter of primitive prejudice or "racism." It is an honest, diligent observation of the facts as I see them. It is impossible to disregard something so blatant and potentially, if not already, harmful. So, of all the culprits I've listed above, don't conveniently pick out one as somehow "unacceptable." That doesn't wash with me, I'm not afraid.

Thus far, you wont find too many in positions that require too much exposure. Not too much public scrutiny or realization of just how proliferate the issue is. They have been content to remain in the immediate background, the one's actually pulling the strings of government, finance, industry and banking- "The Diamond!" They are the people in the important but 'hidden' positions, who put together the decision-making formulas and directions of policy. As far as I am concerned, The "Finest Minds" have been the worst disasters to grip the operational mechanics of this country, well, since the last time they did it. That'd be throughout the late 1920's and into the late 30's.

They drained the country dry and now they are doing it again. Only this time, the rabid tenacity is such that the actual destruction may be so intensive, that it's unrecoverable as to represent anything we have known, all our lives. The "Finest Minds" have played us like a poorly strung fiddle.

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