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The Route Less Taken

 Not always, but sometimes, it's insanely frustrating when I'm trying to make a point(s) to someone, with information that's indisputable- based on thorough research and accompanied by solid scientific findings and from people firmly dedicated to the veracity of their discoveries- (It's called PROOF!!! DAMMIT!!!) ....and the person/people you're trying so hard to share, enlighten or even maybe "warn" don't have the foggiest notion of what you're talking about and the one's who do, don't believe a thing you say. Too fantastic. Too strange. Too incredible. Or the rigors of surviving within the manufactured rat-race are too daunting to think about anything like "that."  And the biggest drain on any real knowledge or learning.....The Governments and it's bought and paid for "scientists" and "experts" constantly dispute anything THEY don't put THEIR official stamp of approval on. Then there's the ever-present "skeptics" and deniers who come out of the woodwork every time someone tries to publicly disclose secret information. They cleverly turn everything into a joke and an impossible probability. And they'll tellya these people are "nut-jobs" "wackos" and "Tin foil hatted space cadets." (Bill Nye The Science Guy is one of these. A government  "official" denier and skeptic, no matter how solid the proof, he'll say it ain't so. Carl Sagan was another. They knew who buttered their bread)

People have been trained in this injustice all their lives. They only know and believe what they have been "allowed."  Nothing more. Most everyone has no earthly idea what a totally fantastic   and utterly amazing place this planet is and has been for millions of years. They've been spoon-fed the same old tired and false stories, over and over again all their lives. And they believe them, because they learned these things in schools and from official government institutions. They wouldn't lie to us, would they? They wouldn't hide and hoard facts and truth from us, would they? They wouldn't keep incredible discoveries and knowledge from the masses, would they? Who's gonna believe they'd do a mean and greedy/selfish thing, to their fellow human beings? This is the the most bulbous obstruction to humanity's advancement and survival--  the entities who rule us determine what we know, what we learn and what we will believe. How pathetic it is, we have given our thoughts trusted our futures and souls over to "authorities."  Our very existence is virtually manufactured and administered by 'authorities.'

Churches, schools, universities......All, every damned one of em, were founded and are funded by the very people who tell us what to believe. They tell what is true and what is not. When is the last time you figured something out for yourself? Humans are far superior to any thing else on Earth. Yet we've been weakened and made subservient to people who have taken  the position that they are best suited to rule and lord over the rest of us. That they know better than us. And we have allowed this to happen to ourselves. Much like 'those people' we don't like.

Is it any wonder that these people have kept the absolute best of everything for themselves- and fully intend to keep it that way? After all, this is  human nature at it's worst. Most any other human would do the same thing if they suddenly found themselves at the top of the heap. Able to control, they'd  keep the secrets to themselves. And there are many secrets. You'd need to explore the unimaginable, to properly deal with the reality that has been kept and hidden from the "rest" of us. You really have no  idea, I promise you this. They don't make movies as fantastic as the truth that's been kept from 'us.'

And I'll promise you something else. You and everyone who has been kept in the dark cellar of existence for far, far too long, is about to get the wake up you've been missing. You're about to get a refreshing dose of real  truth and real  reality. The locks are coming off and the doors of fantastic, jaw-dropping and wonderful sights, sounds and much, much more, are gonna finally, at long last have the bright lights of discovery turned on. For all the world to see. Glory!!!  


And So It Goes.....

Richard Chase

Karma, as a very real and actual force, does indeed exist. Not as a symbolic or anecdotal "saying" or "expression" as most people accept. It is an extremely powerful and present force that does exist. It is one supreme universal force that can NOT be manipulated by man. Do you think you know which is more powerful: Good Karma or Bad Karma??

If a "thing" has not yet been presented to, and imprinted on and within your own PERSONAL memory, it does NOT exist until it does. Once it does, it will always exist, you remember.

The Energy within you, yourself, in addition to being your life-force, can be detected (felt) by everyone you come close to. 99.999% of all people alive today do not know how to "Accept"- "Translate"- "Recognize"- or "Understand" the infinite power of this Energy we all have.....to varying degrees. We are NOT all the same. We are NOT all created equal. Some of us are far, far more "superior" than others. Likewise, some of us are dismally more "inferior" than others. This is an "is" that quite simply is an "is." Another big Period. These differences are apparent, when we look. Yes, it does matter.....especially when you KNOW it.

The body and brain suffers the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, the "Energy" that is us, is totally and completely unfettered by it all. This is Universal Law.

When Isaac proclaimed to all who heard, "This is God, I have chosen our one God.", he first had a choice from three. He chose the "God" that offered him the absolute protection and guidance in a promise. This is the "God" the world understands to be "God." Who is this chosen "God?" Who were the other two? What did they offer and where are they now? Where did they come from?

"Things" are rarely, almost never, what they seem to be. If you learn this truth, you will go ahead.


We Should Have Understood.

My my my.... Seems like every day it's something else, don't it?  Picture yourself on a 'carousel'.  And it starts out slowly, with a softly relaxing, even and steady rotation- the way you expected it would. No reason not to, that's the way the things have always worked. You thought you knew you could count on it working this way, well, forever. But, wait a minute now...What's this?? What's happening??  It's speeding up, going faster and faster! Uh oh! This ain't the way this thing is supposed to work!!  Whoaaa !!

Once upon a tyme, some little tyme ago. I tried to explain this occurrence to you, but I did it in a learned methodology that was foreign to you, that you weren't about to believe, and I pretty much knew this before I even told ya. Just all sounded too "strange-ish."

Of course there wasn't any good reason for you to believe any of it. It sounded crazy and frankly, still does a little. But the evidence is mounting. Used to be century by century,  year by year, then every few months and now- almost every day. Something happens that seems to negatively affect all of us, here in the USA and over the rest of the world as well. Some kind of crippling crisis somewhere. Floods, famine, drought, earthquakes and long dormant but now erupting volcanoes. This Hellish and strange weather. Never-ending wars. The killing of humans, by humans, goes on and on. We are supposed to know better.

We have social issues moving oppressed citizens to action "over there." And of course, all the outta control financial credit/debt issues, suffocating humanity- Odd, a man-made, catastrophic disaster with huge and crushing ramifications. Something that in reality, really only amounts to "rules," when it gets right down to it, will bring us to the brink. Something we can't even 'see.' But we've allowed ourselves to be cruelly forced to live or die by- rules. "Man Made Rules." An intelligent, practical and logically thinking human being, who had the good sense to consider his literal survival was at stake, you'd think he'd just say "Okay, forget it. Nobody owes anybody else anything. Let's just start all over, fairly this time." You'd think, but you'd be wrong of course. Ain't this something??

And last but certainly not least, the inevitable, and richly deserved rebellion by Mother Earth. How long would she accept being shamefully, selfishly destroyed, inch by profitable inch? Slovenly consumed by these virus-like, two-legged breeding machines from God knows where, really? Not from here- this just isn't Nature's design. As a living organism, inflicted on this beautiful planet- we're way out of control. We apparently do not possess either the mental ability or Nature's safeguards against self-destruction and un-natural, harmful invasive advances. Earth is a living, breathing, feeling thing. She'll protect herself. We should have had the intelligence to know this. And we should have understood it applies to us as well.

Recalling some of the more difficult to accept and still 'stranger pronouncements I've leveled at you, is the fact this is all told to us in ancient writings, myths and legends. Virtually to a "T". The unrest, the subjugating exploitation of humanity, by humanity. And the ferocious and thoughtless destruction wrought by mankind, on his provider- Mother Earth. All known by historical Shamans, Seer's, Oracles and others able to somehow know the future path of time, here on Earth.

I don't believe we are due any corrections, fix's, or more time to reconsider our chosen path to our fate. I believe the time is now upon us. The Reckoning, written about down through the ages as destiny. It has to be Nature, because it is known.

We should have understood.


"The Finest Minds..."

Governments, corporations and the worst of the worst, banks and financial institutions-  use the tired line "Our choice of  'so and so'  was based on their having the "Finest Mind" in their respective field. What bullshit. What a bald-faced lie from the get-go.

The person selected is chosen for their ability to use underhanded methods to further their boss's agenda. Invariably they have been connected with previous failures, time and time again. Either directly responsible or an integral part of a larger backroom operation. Few have come from stellar backgrounds- on a positive note.
Whenever a "Elizabeth Warren" comes along; a genuine savior for the people, they are inexplicably railroaded into subservient roles with far less authority than they must have to slay the dragons. And it continues.

President Obama is a very obvious example of this method of stacking an administration with criminals, financial manipulators, ecological disaster enablers, gypsies and far, far too many operatives with dual-citizenship. It isn't that difficult to understand if a government or business executive or banking executive has dual-citizenship with the State of Israel, which one will have their true allegiance. Our elitist upper class, including our government is increasingly being insidiously infiltrated with too many Jews. By the way, this is not a matter of primitive prejudice or "racism." It is an honest, diligent observation of the facts as I see them. It is impossible to disregard something so blatant and potentially, if not already, harmful. So, of all the culprits I've listed above, don't conveniently pick out one as somehow "unacceptable." That doesn't wash with me, I'm not afraid.

Thus far, you wont find too many in positions that require too much exposure. Not too much public scrutiny or realization of just how proliferate the issue is. They have been content to remain in the immediate background, the one's actually pulling the strings of government, finance, industry and banking- "The Diamond!" They are the people in the important but 'hidden' positions, who put together the decision-making formulas and directions of policy. As far as I am concerned, The "Finest Minds" have been the worst disasters to grip the operational mechanics of this country, well, since the last time they did it. That'd be throughout the late 1920's and into the late 30's.

They drained the country dry and now they are doing it again. Only this time, the rabid tenacity is such that the actual destruction may be so intensive, that it's unrecoverable as to represent anything we have known, all our lives. The "Finest Minds" have played us like a poorly strung fiddle.


There. I Said It.

The way I see things, as they happen in society, is fairly liberal. I tend to be pragmatic about most everything that deserves it. I like to believe I adhere to "Live and Let Live." But that don't always make it so, when I look real close.

I also believe when you 'feel something in your bones' so strong it wont let ya go, then them bones must be right. And damned if they ain't, pretty much always. 

There is a paradigm that's been "pushed" upon us in a nefarious way for the past 40 years or so that most of society has been taken in by. A paradigm, which at first, was exactly 180 out from what is accepted today. This being inter-racial marriage. And in particular- black and white unions. The powers that be have pushed this on us and made every effort to insure society accepts it as a normal pairing of two people, with no consequences. I didn't buy it 40 years ago and I buy it less today. And honestly, it isn't for lack of trying.

But try as I might, my "bones" are never going to see it as right, much less normal. It just don't compute to even numbers no matter what figures I put in. I know, deep and not so deep inside me, it ain't right. I feel this so strongly I feel like it's a part of me. A mechanism within me is built to not accept it. It's that strong.

I'm not gonna say "But, I'm still not a racist....."  Because to be COMPLETELY honest with you, I am a racist. Just not in the way most people perceive a racist. Black, red, white, brown, yellow.....We're all racists when push comes to shove. Or less likely- when we're being honest with ourselves. My being a racist is comprised of the whole spectrum of reasons, not just a couple of knee-jerk hot button reasons. I feel it is completely natural  to be separate and nurture our own cultures and societies the way it is intended, for each individual race. The forced co-mingling of black and white peoples has been catastrophic for both races. The very basic fabric of the two people could not be more different- As it is with all races. And the continued pressure from hidden instigators to make it right, fails time after time. Nothing 'Man' can do will make it natural.

It irks the crap out of me when I flip on the squawk box and see the gratuitous pairing of a white chick and a black guy all for the sole purpose of showing America, "Look, see.....It's OK, it's on television, so it's gotta be OK. Even COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" It makes me sick, but not because of prejudice. But because I can not make myself see it as NATURAL. Something about it just ain't right, in fact, I feel it is actually very wrong. That's just the way I feel. 
I thank gawd I don't have any daughters and have to gut-worry she'd bring a black guy home for din-din.....for example. 

545 Politicians

   Richard Chase

 545 People 

Have you ever wondered why, if both the Democrats and the Republicans are against deficits, do we have deficits? Have you ever wondered why, if all the politicians are against inflation and high taxes,  do we have inflation and high taxes?

You and I don't propose a federal budget. The president does. You and I don't have the Constitutional authority to vote on appropriations. The House of Representatives does. You and I don't write the tax code. Congress does. You and I don't set fiscal policy. Congress does. You and I don't control monetary policy. The Federal Reserve Bank does.

One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one president and nine Supreme Court justices - 545 human beings out of the 335 million - are directly, legally, morally and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country.

I excluded the members of the Federal Reserve Board because that problem was created by the Congress. In 1913, Congress delegated its Constitutional duty to provide a sound currency to a federally chartered but private central bank.

I excluded all but the special interests and lobbyists for a sound reason. They have no legal authority. They have no ability to coerce a senator, a congressman or a president to do one cotton-picking thing. I don't care if they offer a politician $1 million dollars in cash. The politician has the power to accept or reject it.

No matter what the lobbyist promises, it is the legislation's responsibility to determine how he votes.


Don't you see how the con game that is played on the people by the politicians? Those 545 human beings spend much of their energy convincing you that what they did is not their fault. They cooperate in this common con regardless of party.

What separates a politician from a normal human being is an excessive amount of gall. No normal human being would have the gall of a Tip O'Neill, who stood up and criticized Ronald Reagan for creating deficits.

The president can only propose a budget. He cannot force the Congress to accept it. The Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, gives sole responsibility to the House of Representatives for originating appropriations and taxes.

Boehner is the speaker of the House. He is the leader of the minority party. He and his fellow republicans, not the president, can approve any budget they want. If the president vetos it, they can pass it over his veto.


It seems inconceivable to me that a nation of 335 million cannot replace 545 people who stand convicted -- by present facts - of incompetence and irresponsibility.

I can't think of a single domestic problem, from an unfair tax code to defense overruns, that is not traceable directly to those 545 people.

When you fully grasp the plain truth that 545 people exercise power of the federal government, then it must follow that what exists is what they want to exist.

If the tax code is unfair, it's because they want it unfair. If the budget is in the red, it's because they want it in the red. If the Marines are in Lebanon, it's because they want them in Lebanon.

There are no insoluble government problems. Do not let these 545 people shift the blame to bureaucrats, whom they hire and whose jobs they can abolish; to lobbyists, whose gifts and advice they can reject; to regulators, to whom they give the power to regulate and from whom they can take it.

Above all, do not let them con you into the belief that there exist disembodied mystical forces like "the economy," "inflation" or "politics" that prevent them from doing what they take an oath to do.

Those 545 people and they alone are responsible. They and they alone have the power. They and they alone should be held accountable by the people who are their bosses - provided they have the gumption to manage their own employees.



2011 Record Year For Billionaires

From Forbes Magazine....(via MSNBC)

".....This 25th year of tracking global wealth was one to remember. The 2011 Billionaires List breaks two records: total number of listees (1,210) and combined wealth ($4.5 trillion). This horde surpasses the gross domestic product of Germany, one of only six nations to have fewer billionaires this year. BRICs led the way: Brazil, Russia, India and China produced 108 of the 214 new names. These four nations are home to one in four members, up from one in ten five years ago. Before this year only the U.S. had ever produced more than 100 billionaires. China now has 115 and Russia 101."

 Think about those figures for a moment, if you can. I realize we've become almost immune to shock when it comes to money. Who has it, who stole it, how much they've amassed. Wild numbers are flung about so freely, we barely notice anymore. Even my 'envy level' has wained substantially.

It used to make me angry and, yes, envious of these people who no longer- if they ever-  had to look at price tags or wrangle with a loosing home budget. But I got over this. That's really another story altogether, and not easily told. But just in case you need a visual stimulus to really bring out the meaning of a number, try this on for size.....


See? That's four and half trillion dollars, in numbers. And this is how much chingas is in the wallets of just over 1200 individuals around the world. One thousand two hundred people are worth 4.5 trillion dollars. And the alleged "Richest Person in the World," Carlos Sim, this past year added $20,000,000,000- 20 billion dollars to his fortune to total $74 billion bucks. That's alotta pesos! Carlos Sim Helu is the telecom mogul from Mexico.

Yeah that's alotta bread, I gotta admit. But while these little surveys that surface every year ranking the wealth of the "visible wealthy," I feel very confident in stating these people, Sim, Gates, Buffett, et al, are just play candy for a gullible and uninformed public across the planet.

It's been estimated the "Rothschild's" collectively are hoarding upwards of 500 trillion dollars, much in gold. Much more in the equity of their slaves- The Human Race. Honestly, it's all over but the reckoning, and that's a-comin'.
What's 4.5 Trillion Dollars look like? Well, to give you proper perspective, let's start out looking at only ONE BILLION dollars stacked.
$1,000,000,000 (one billion dollars)
Now this is a billion bucks. Nice, huh? Okay, now let's look at what only 1 trillion dollars looks like stacked.

$1,000,000,000,000 (one trillion dollars)
Do you see that little guy standing at the far left? He's the same guy standing next to the one billion dollars above.  This is what just ONE trillion dollars looks like.  Notice these are 'double-stacked!!' In the interest of space and non-redundancy, I'll just ask you to try and visualize the above pile of cash- with three and a half MORE just like it stacked on top!  
And this folks is what just over 1,200 individuals have in wealth. Twelve hundred and ten people. And that's just the "Billionaires!"


Somethin' They Ain't No Reason For

Now there's a subject that needs tearing apart, if ever there was one. I mean, it's like puttin' on shavin' cream and spray-paintin' it whatever color. It's gonna come off sooner or later. And it's gonna be when you least expect it- then again, how're you ever gonna expect it? It's disaster just sittin' there waitin' to happen. Then you gotta walk around the rest of the day without it.  You're gonna lose the damn button.  Or you're gonna put it somewhere where you'll remember, then forget where that is.  That's it for that garment.  You ain't never gonna sew this button back on yourself, and you know it.  Back in the closet- until you forget it ain't got no button and put it on, discover what you forgot, take it off again and put it back in the closet.

Can't you see the damage this does? Anxiety, suppressed anger, a sense of failure and lack of accomplishment, self deceit and overt procrastination. All because of that damn button. You'd think, by now, someone would have come up with a permanent wire loop to hold a durable button on.......... pretty much forever. 
I swear........